Don't waste all your time training to hunt. Hunt to train!
Tails End is owned and operated by avid trainers, outdoorsmen, guides, and preserve owners. Unlike other trainers who train using simulated hunting exercises and pigeons, they train using traditional tried and true methods in real hunting situations with real game birds in actual upland hunting habitats. Trails End is setup to help you and your dog learn and practice the right skills. It only takes one visit to know that they have forgotten more about real hunting than most youtube trainers will ever learn.
You also need a guide that understands how things work when boots hit the ground. Its easy to get starry eyed by fancy testing and AKC hunt trials, but too much training for testing can create a dog that doesn't know how to deal with wily, unruly birds that don't follow the rules or play fair!
Make sure you are training the right hunter!
It's easy to get caught up in focusing all your efforts on training your dog. But your skills as dog handler are critical, not only to your dogs training, but for a successful and safe hunt. Trails End will teach you how to work your dog in a field; when to correct, when and how to quarter, when to move on and when to trust your dogs instincts. Even a fully trained gun dog will go off the rails without expert guidance and you need to learn those skills. On top of it all, they will help you learn when and for how long your dog needs a break and other health tips to keep your dog hunting in top shape while minimizing the possibility of injuries.
Led by a professional, hunting guide with a proven record of training and working real hunting dogs
Knows how to use your dogs' natural instincts to product results quickly and effectively while building the type of drive that leads to good performance
Specializes in sporting breeds from the Deutsch Kurzhaar, American GSPs to Labs, Brittany's and more
Join a team that understands that your Gun Dog needs to live with your family in your home!
Many hunting outfits breed and train dogs that live outside their entire lives. As a result, they don't transition well to living in your home. You may have seen weak bladders, difficulty house training, chasing, nipping, jumping, whining, counter surfing, and more. You may have a dog from a great lineage, but without the proper training, they'll never live up to their potential, and you'll never want them living in your house! By choosing Central Texas Dog Trainer and Trails End, you can get a dog that is obedient and well-trained in your home and a polished athlete in the field!